What Happens When You Ignore Symptoms of TMJ Disorder Because You Just Don’t Think It’s That Bad?

If you have a TMJ disorder, the last thing you want to do is ignore it, because not only can the pain quickly become hard to ignore but you could also end up dealing with chronic migraines, problems chewing and even permanent damage to your teeth.    TMJ, or the temporomandibular... Read more »

10 Cool Facts You Should Know About Your Sleep Apnea

Do you wake up feeling groggy despite having a full night’s sleep? Do you wake yourself up in the middle of the night snoring loudly or gasping and choking for breath? These are red flags indicating you might have sleep apnea. If so, you are one of the almost 30... Read more »

If You Suffer From a TMJ Disorder, It Does Not Need To Be Your Silent Companion

What do you know about the medical condition called TMJ? This common disorder impacts your jaw joint along with the muscles that move the jaw itself. TMJ disorders impact over 10 million Americans and, for whatever reason, affect women more than men. This complex joint moves both up and down... Read more »

Orthognathic Surgery Can Help Treat Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms Successfully

A lot of people make fun of people who snore, but chronic snoring is no laughing matter, especially if comes from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This condition may be treated by medical intervention including surgical treatment. OSA can be a result of one’s upper airway being obstructed because of excess... Read more »

Why You Should Understand the Importance of Jaw, Bite and TMJ Harmony

Did you know that when your jaw is in its optimal position, it can make you look more youthful than other people in your age range? We refer to this as “TMJ harmony” where your jaw, bite, and TMJ work together to lessen stress, tension, headaches, jaw pain, and even... Read more »

What Do You Know About the Difference Between Complex Sleep Apnea and Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

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What Can You Do When You Experience a TMJ Flare-Up While on Vacation?

If you have issues with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) you already know how it can impact your daily quality of life. Located underneath your ears, these complex joints connect your jaw to your skull so you can move your jaw in all directions as needed. It’s no wonder you may... Read more »

What You Need To Know if You Are Traveling This Summer and Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Summer is finally here and that means more time outdoors, staying up late, and even traveling! If you have obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, we have some tips for you about traveling and sleeping well to keep your energy levels up wherever you go. Poor Quality Sleep Even without sleep... Read more »

How To Recognize if You Have a TMJ Disorder or Something Else Going On With Your Head and Jaw

Do you know where your TMJ’s (temporomandibular joints) are in your jaw? See if you can find the joint on either side of your jaw that works like a sliding hinge whenever you open and close your mouth. The areas of your TMJ bones are covered with cartilage and a... Read more »

Sleep Positioning Therapy May Help if You Constantly Snore or Have Trouble Breathing While Sleeping

Do you get complaints about snoring in your sleep or feeling tired when you wake up instead of refreshed? If so, you might have sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening condition that can impact your quality of life. This breathing disorder can happen to anyone, and around 18 million Americans are... Read more »